Starting a business

Starting a business is never easy, having a coach to steer you in the right direction can help a great deal

Becoming your own boss is an exciting journey, but it pays to plan ahead to make sure it’s a success. We can help you get there.

Congratulations, you’ve decided you want to start your own business. This is an exciting time but there are a few things every business owner should consider when it comes to getting it right and paying off in the long term.

Some questions we can help you answer:

  • What structure is best suited to my business? Do I become a Company/Partnership/Sole trader/Trust
  • What bank accounts do I need to open?
  • What do I need to help me track my expenses?
  • How will I manage bookkeeping, systems, procedures?
  • How will I pay my employees wages and super?
  • How will I manage foreign exhange/import tax if dealing internationally?
  • What sales tax procedures do I need to manage?
  • How can I maintain profitability?
  • How do I make sure my business will continue without me?
  • What tax concessions apply if I choose to exit my business?

How does it work? 

A meeting with the team at Oak Accountants will be arranged to better understand your needs and help you make sense of what is required. Your initial consultation with us is provided free of charge to help you understand how and where we can help and receive a tailored pricing plan for you and your business.


This website contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information.

Interested in learning how our accountants can help to grow your business?

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